Why you ask, you got some immortality pills? If not then who really gives a fuck, isn't this the anabolic board? If it was the picking my ass at home stupid questions board then I can understand, lol.
That's a very important question you asked Decadense!
For about the first 1,900 years my gains were non existant. Then, in the 1940s I started experimenting with the first testosterones that were being given to the German soldiers. Then in the early '60s D-bol and Deca let me make even more gains. Parabolin was another step up in the '80s. And in the early '90s when GH and slin came on the scene I definitely went up a few more solid pounds... so all in all I would say I have made more gains in the last 30 years than in all of the two thousand years before that. Anabolic steroids, 'slin, and GH have definitely brought us great advancement.
I am already a cross between Groundhog Day and Highlander. I've lived an unnecessarily hard life and haven't offed myself despite being an idiot so I'll try it without the pill. Besides, man is doing his damndest to use this little rock up. Our future is fucked for sure. You'd be the only person sitting on an uninhabitable stone.