i have been making a conscious effort as of late.....and man does it make a difference!....i evacuate a lot more too.....but anyway.....if I keep this up, I might actually end up getting big or something.....
I tell her that i need high protein foods eg. Tuna, chicken breasts etc. Instead she buys fruit, vegetables and shit loads of frozen fatty foods and tells me that buying those foods for me is a waste of money
Michael, fortunately I don't have the same problem (I live at home). My mother understands that I want to eat healthy, and actually thinks the way I eat should be the way everybody eats. She tends to follow what I say about nutrition and exercise! She buys PLENTY of tuna and the likes, even protein powder (at $70-80/tub, that is quite handy!). I guess I'm lucky in that respect.
If it is at all possible, get a few hours of work that will be able to support your "food" habbit