filling, is for cutting. I need to shed 35 lbs in 3 months. I have full on ephedrine/caffeine/aspirin stack (Xenydrine) which has alway worked for me in the past. I used to use the atkins principle for getting contest ready, but it doesn't seem to work as well now that I am older (I am not really that old 41, I still have my size and some abdominal definition, but my skin is/has gotten really thick in that area)
I eat what used to be normal sized meals and I feel over stuffed and my stomach/abdomen gets really hard, almost like I am filling up with air or something.
If I do any vitamins I would use gh/test/winny/eq or deca and finish the last 3 weeks with halotestin. (this was a good stack in the past for me. I won't use insulin, but will eat what is necessary to get the most from the gh by naturally raising my insulin levels.
So, my problem is thus, I need to eat 5 times a day, get in at least 200gms of protein, limit my carbs and have the correct type of fat in the appropriate levels, I don't do well eating a lot of "normal" food (I will be seeing a doctor about this) so who can put together something that will work.
I eat what used to be normal sized meals and I feel over stuffed and my stomach/abdomen gets really hard, almost like I am filling up with air or something.
If I do any vitamins I would use gh/test/winny/eq or deca and finish the last 3 weeks with halotestin. (this was a good stack in the past for me. I won't use insulin, but will eat what is necessary to get the most from the gh by naturally raising my insulin levels.
So, my problem is thus, I need to eat 5 times a day, get in at least 200gms of protein, limit my carbs and have the correct type of fat in the appropriate levels, I don't do well eating a lot of "normal" food (I will be seeing a doctor about this) so who can put together something that will work.