1st post... been lurking a little while...
I have a similar situation as the poster here on being TOTALLY ignorant on steroid use and effect and side effects, my situation and goals are a little different though.
I am 6'3" 100 KG's and let myself get out of shape (I do have an excuse though at 25 I shattered my lower Tib / Fib and nearly lost my leg... 2 years on crutches and traction 7 operations with external frames, pins, metalwork and then some plastic surgery really puts you on your ass... amazingly now 5 years later I am 99% recovered and without a limp... Thank god for modern medicine !!! anyway...) New year this year I decided time to lose the moderate gut I have and went about this with diet alone...
0 positive results and due to alcohol consuption I have to focus on the excersize... I am also learning that my method of crash dieting (starvation all day then relenting and eating in the evening) is totally ass backwards and probably is working against me...
A month or so back I crossed 30 and I AM DETERMINED that I am going to get myself back to hard lean physique (I actually dont desire to be a BB and be HUGE, some additional upper body is welcome but thats not my focus, especially right now first things first that can come later)...
My plan of attack is cardio (jogging) every other day (aches !!) with about 3 miles or so being covered each session and I think I should soon be pushing this up another mile (I realize this must sound pussy stuff to you guys)...
I have also changed the diet to a small doses regularly low carb, low fat, high(er) protien... Lots and lots of fruit and water...
The reason I am here and the reason I am posting is I live in Thailand and everyone who I have gone and asked fitness advice from so far has suggested steriods in some form or another... One told me to go and get a monthly Deca 50 shot the other told me to start Clenbuterol daily with the cardio... I made it clear that I was not keen on roids (and reading here and other places certainly the deca sounds unwelcome at my stage) but was considering them as I was being swayed by advice and basically ignorant... So a real THANKS for a forum like this where even a newbie and a non BB can come and learn in detail what the risk / reward is like and when it is something to be considered.
My current game plan is the T-Rex and L-Rex (slowly 1 - 2 daily) while upping the cardio... I am still considering Clen in alternation with the above and some more weight work but not until I see how things go with simple suppliments and cardio...
So comments on the plan... Sounds better than anything I have come up with so far and previous dieting / light cardio has not cracked it... Should I be trying to get more weight trianing in even if its weight loss I am after ?? More muslce mass should burn more fat at rest right ???
Also I understand this is more 'general fitness' than BB or this forums speciality but the fact that everybody and thier uncle seems to be telling me that fitness comes in a pill or a shot does make me very concerned for other people wishing to get in shape that dont research and learn... Its easy to swallow what your told (pun intended) by someone who is in serious shape when your not.
I have a similar situation as the poster here on being TOTALLY ignorant on steroid use and effect and side effects, my situation and goals are a little different though.
I am 6'3" 100 KG's and let myself get out of shape (I do have an excuse though at 25 I shattered my lower Tib / Fib and nearly lost my leg... 2 years on crutches and traction 7 operations with external frames, pins, metalwork and then some plastic surgery really puts you on your ass... amazingly now 5 years later I am 99% recovered and without a limp... Thank god for modern medicine !!! anyway...) New year this year I decided time to lose the moderate gut I have and went about this with diet alone...
0 positive results and due to alcohol consuption I have to focus on the excersize... I am also learning that my method of crash dieting (starvation all day then relenting and eating in the evening) is totally ass backwards and probably is working against me...
A month or so back I crossed 30 and I AM DETERMINED that I am going to get myself back to hard lean physique (I actually dont desire to be a BB and be HUGE, some additional upper body is welcome but thats not my focus, especially right now first things first that can come later)...
My plan of attack is cardio (jogging) every other day (aches !!) with about 3 miles or so being covered each session and I think I should soon be pushing this up another mile (I realize this must sound pussy stuff to you guys)...
I have also changed the diet to a small doses regularly low carb, low fat, high(er) protien... Lots and lots of fruit and water...
The reason I am here and the reason I am posting is I live in Thailand and everyone who I have gone and asked fitness advice from so far has suggested steriods in some form or another... One told me to go and get a monthly Deca 50 shot the other told me to start Clenbuterol daily with the cardio... I made it clear that I was not keen on roids (and reading here and other places certainly the deca sounds unwelcome at my stage) but was considering them as I was being swayed by advice and basically ignorant... So a real THANKS for a forum like this where even a newbie and a non BB can come and learn in detail what the risk / reward is like and when it is something to be considered.
My current game plan is the T-Rex and L-Rex (slowly 1 - 2 daily) while upping the cardio... I am still considering Clen in alternation with the above and some more weight work but not until I see how things go with simple suppliments and cardio...
So comments on the plan... Sounds better than anything I have come up with so far and previous dieting / light cardio has not cracked it... Should I be trying to get more weight trianing in even if its weight loss I am after ?? More muslce mass should burn more fat at rest right ???
Also I understand this is more 'general fitness' than BB or this forums speciality but the fact that everybody and thier uncle seems to be telling me that fitness comes in a pill or a shot does make me very concerned for other people wishing to get in shape that dont research and learn... Its easy to swallow what your told (pun intended) by someone who is in serious shape when your not.