Can you pay off the card before it accrues interest (what's that, 25 days?)? If so, then cool! If not = bad financial decision.
Every kid wants an iPod. Every kid wants a car too. Let's buy them anything they want! Why not! Let's raise another generation to have a sense of entitlement. It's turning out so well for us now. You forgot savings bonds...shoes, coats and savings bonds.
How are they going to download music on their iPods? With their laptops and high speed internet connections paying $1 per song on iTunes? Those poor, poor children. How needy they are indeed.
I was not intending to imply that you were neglecting your son. I was saying that YOUR son would have been a better investment of your $4000. I'm sure he's got a ton of toys and clothes, etc. But how about $4000 in a college fund? Tax deferred too! He may even have $4000 or more in his college fund now, but college ain't cheap and it's not getting cheaper.
You know it was a bad decision, you admitted it. But you'll delete this post too. As long as you see it, that is what is important.
Yes, sheesh, some people. Some people that know better than to squander $4000 they don't even have.