Well I just took my third shot on Mon., and just waiting for everything to take off. I'm taking d-bol first four weeks though and I've been pretty amped at the gym, strength is definately going up. Doing my last set of skullcrushers and I feel this tear/pull on the long head of my tri,( almost near the armpit). I was feeling great, although I went to heavy. I put the weight down,went home, made a shake and iced my arm.
I didn't see any bruising the next day(yesterday) and it didn't feel worse, so I don't think I tore anything( but it felt like if i kept going on that set it would have torn completely) My problem is I don't want to take any time off( it's horrible timeing for an injury) Luckily, my workouts are set up basic for mass, so I won't hit my tris for a week:
1-Chest, delt, tri
Mostly compound movements--workout eod
How long do you think I should wait before workout #2, by the way, it only hurts if I do movements where my arm is extended out,( wiping a countertop,etc., ), pushups,benchpress don't bother that muscle. I don't want to waste the best part of my cycle! Thanks--Raw
I didn't see any bruising the next day(yesterday) and it didn't feel worse, so I don't think I tore anything( but it felt like if i kept going on that set it would have torn completely) My problem is I don't want to take any time off( it's horrible timeing for an injury) Luckily, my workouts are set up basic for mass, so I won't hit my tris for a week:
1-Chest, delt, tri
Mostly compound movements--workout eod
How long do you think I should wait before workout #2, by the way, it only hurts if I do movements where my arm is extended out,( wiping a countertop,etc., ), pushups,benchpress don't bother that muscle. I don't want to waste the best part of my cycle! Thanks--Raw