heres my meal plan for monday through saturday:
Meal 1 :
6 egg whites, two whole eggs
two pieces whole grain toast with jam
meso-tech bar
1 d-bol
meal 2:
protien shake
1 d-bol
meal 3:
1/2 lb of ham
3 cups brown rice
1 d-bol
meal 4:
1 can tunafish
1 large baked potato
1 d-bol
meal 5:
protien shake
meal 6:
1/2 lb of steak
1 cup angel hair pasta
1 d-bol
meal 7:
protien shake
1 d-bol
absolutely zero taste in my diet, especially considering i have to buy the cheapest steaks. right now my grocery bill is in between 80-95$ a week, depending on the condiments i need to refill. ALSO i take sunday completely off, eating ice cream, fries, whatever the fuck i feel like. its working though, im up from 164 to 170 in about a week and 3 days.