Well if I take a double dose of creatine 20 minutes before workout I can get 8 reps with 135 with a good spotter and if I'm on Test & Anadrol and mid cycle I might get 10 reps I'm one buffed dude.
I demand that this bullshit be deleted. It was originally posted on the anabolic board where it was turned into a mockery. now it was moved to the training board, get this shit off of "my turf"
5'11" 205 lbs. 40 years old.
Flat Bench:Max a couple of months ago was 275 for 4.
This week 255 for 5.
Better at dumbbells. This week inclines 100 for 5, with wraps. I'm not lying about my age either. Wish I had been training like many of you bros were at age 18 and 19.
I'm just a little guy.
5'10" 181lbs. 6-7% right now.
I train chest only once a week. I'll do 6 sets of incline smiths and 2 sets of flat bench I'll pyramid up to my current max of 245 for 10 then do my sixth set really slow with just a pair of 45s. It took me four years before I could even bench more than 180lbs. I've started bring the bar to my chin instead of my upper chest on the incline presses, and am exploding in the upper chest though I have had to decrease my weights to keep proper form. fun fun all the time.
After placing in a spring of '99 Jr. Competition, My ego got the best of me and finally popped, releasing all the Hot Air....
"I'm not a fighter.......I'm a killer"