I weigh 204.786543lbs and can probably bench it 19.9348 times.heehee!!! Just kidding. To tell you the truth I've never thought about it, much less tried it. I'm too busy thinking of large breasted women, I guess!
That's pretty embarrasing....please don't tell everybody else they are bullshitting...just because you can only bench your bodyweight 8-10 times......Hopefully you are a newbie and are just uninformed......but 225 is my warmup set......I do three of them at 12-14 reps.....and can do 38 in a row.......I weigh 267 lbs...and my bodyfat is 7%.......I'm still waiting for JD SLIM'S response about Ricky Williams........Anadrol...maked Pitbull angry....PEACE
Pitbllstl, I ran into these same comments last summer when i posted that I benched 225x37 times....I am now even stronger and have done it 43-47 time ...you kind of loose count after that many....I cannot bench for max worth a shit! I cannot even do 400LBS BUT I CAN REP 225 LIKE A MOTHER FUCKER! All you guys that think we are bullshitting.just because you don't have that abitlity doesn't mean that others don't either.
I have been lifting for 22 years probably longer then most of you have been alive ....how many sets at 225 do you think I have done in 22 years???
225 does not feel light as a feather in my hand ...but when i rep it i do not have to even stop for a second or 2 until I am at around 30...I take a few breaths and grind out another 5 afew breaths and a couple more ....until i decide to put it back ..I do this on my last set of bench after having done 3 other sets
BTW I can squat 500x5 405x20+ 315X30+
It aldepends in your abitlity to drive through the pain
any of you guys live in Washington ???? willing to $200 BUCKS ON IT???? WANNA COME SEE???
I may not get it for my alltime best of 43-47 but I will get within a couple and you will be out $200 !
email me at [email protected] !!!!!