New member
I started lifting in Early March of this year. I joined(the gym) around Feb 20th, but Did Cardio or didn't go at all.
I have been tweaking my diet since then, and working on the best ways to work out.
Starting at the machines, and just now getting to freeweights. I can be quite timid..lol.
When I started I was a very undefined 185lb, at 5'9 I was quite fat, the fattest I have ever been. (usually always weighed about 150lbs)
Three weeks ago I weighed myself at 190, and one friend told me he thought I was looking more defined.
This week I weigh 185 again, but other than one friend at work, the only positive comments I have heard is from a lady I work with saying she thought I looked pretty buff (she did not know me before I started working out, New job and all).
My Mom occasionally asks if I still frequent the gym, and wonders what my obsession with Low GI Carbs are. LOL
My gut is still there, if It is smaller it is hardly noticable, and my lovehandles still stick out too far IMO. To myself I hardly see any change. No weight loss, hardly any definiton (some in my forearms, and a hint of some abs up top), and my gut is still there. This is about 2 months of eating right and nearly 3 months of lifting, and some cardio.
My diet is healthy foods like Oatmeal w/blueberries, brown rice, chicken, tuna, eggs, protien shakes, lots of green veggies (fresh) some good fats, Penut butter, all stuff this site and several others I frequent suggest.
My current workout routine (changed in the last 4 weeks) is:
Monday: Squats (was doing leg presses) 3 x 6
Deadlifts (or machine hams) 3 x 6
Hip abductors (inner): 3x6 Outer 3x6 (I think this is what they are called)
Abs: 2x15 on crunches, leg lifts, side leg lifts, and twist crunches
Calfs: 3 x 6
Wednesday: Flat bench (was doing machine): 3 x 6
Decline bench: 3 x 6
Dumbell flys: 3 x 6
Abs : same as monday
Military presses: 3x 6
Lateral raises 3 x 6
Lying side Lateral raises or bent over cable crossovers: 2 x 6
Friday: One arm dumbell rows: 3x6 on each side
Hyperextensions: 3x6
DB shrugs 3x6
Curls: 2x8
Concentration curls 2x8
Hammer curls 2x8
Wrist curls 2x8
Thors Hammer 2x8
Dumbell kickbacks 2x8
reverse grip cable pulldowns 2x8
I make sure I do 2 sets, and If I don't feel worked out good enough after all my exercises I will go back and and a couple sets. For now by the time I get done with 2 sets on all the exercises my arms are jello.
I hear all these people having awesome gains after just a month, Yet I have not lost a single pound. Unless you count the 5 lbs I gained and lost again. Grr. How long does it take to build up enough muscle to lose my gut?
I have been tweaking my diet since then, and working on the best ways to work out.
Starting at the machines, and just now getting to freeweights. I can be quite timid..lol.
When I started I was a very undefined 185lb, at 5'9 I was quite fat, the fattest I have ever been. (usually always weighed about 150lbs)
Three weeks ago I weighed myself at 190, and one friend told me he thought I was looking more defined.
This week I weigh 185 again, but other than one friend at work, the only positive comments I have heard is from a lady I work with saying she thought I looked pretty buff (she did not know me before I started working out, New job and all).
My Mom occasionally asks if I still frequent the gym, and wonders what my obsession with Low GI Carbs are. LOL
My gut is still there, if It is smaller it is hardly noticable, and my lovehandles still stick out too far IMO. To myself I hardly see any change. No weight loss, hardly any definiton (some in my forearms, and a hint of some abs up top), and my gut is still there. This is about 2 months of eating right and nearly 3 months of lifting, and some cardio.
My diet is healthy foods like Oatmeal w/blueberries, brown rice, chicken, tuna, eggs, protien shakes, lots of green veggies (fresh) some good fats, Penut butter, all stuff this site and several others I frequent suggest.
My current workout routine (changed in the last 4 weeks) is:
Monday: Squats (was doing leg presses) 3 x 6
Deadlifts (or machine hams) 3 x 6
Hip abductors (inner): 3x6 Outer 3x6 (I think this is what they are called)
Abs: 2x15 on crunches, leg lifts, side leg lifts, and twist crunches
Calfs: 3 x 6
Wednesday: Flat bench (was doing machine): 3 x 6
Decline bench: 3 x 6
Dumbell flys: 3 x 6
Abs : same as monday
Military presses: 3x 6
Lateral raises 3 x 6
Lying side Lateral raises or bent over cable crossovers: 2 x 6
Friday: One arm dumbell rows: 3x6 on each side
Hyperextensions: 3x6
DB shrugs 3x6
Curls: 2x8
Concentration curls 2x8
Hammer curls 2x8
Wrist curls 2x8
Thors Hammer 2x8
Dumbell kickbacks 2x8
reverse grip cable pulldowns 2x8
I make sure I do 2 sets, and If I don't feel worked out good enough after all my exercises I will go back and and a couple sets. For now by the time I get done with 2 sets on all the exercises my arms are jello.
I hear all these people having awesome gains after just a month, Yet I have not lost a single pound. Unless you count the 5 lbs I gained and lost again. Grr. How long does it take to build up enough muscle to lose my gut?