Wearing gloves dont make your forearms small, and it wont make you a pussy.. Im the biggest guy (in terms of leanness) in my gym and no one dare to say shit to me when im training and i wear gloves all the time..
Wrist wraps can make your forearms smaller if you rely on them, which i did alot and my forearms are small compared to my arms, its not because of the gloves its because of the straps..
Form on the leg press was horrible, you must go all the way down to get the most benefit, half reps on legs you get half the results, legs are the only muscle group that requires a full ROM and higher reps than other muscle group..
never said they make you a pussy. I said if you use gloves your forearms and wrists won't develop as well as they would if you threw your gloves away. and over time you will end up with weaker wrists and grip strength. you might have the biggest forearms in the gym but that doesn't mean the gloves are aiding you, they are hindering you.... and you even admit you have smaller forearms and yes its cause of your gloves. if you wear gloves all the time your grip strength gets weakened over time, hence your forearms wont' develop as well. make your hand into a ball right now, then let go.. notice your forearm muscle will harden up.. now do the same thing to a bar WITH gloves.. there will be a HUGE difference, your forearms may not even harden up at all at this stage! this is common sense physics
most every guy on here who has complained about wrist and forearm pain I have told them to lose the gloves and they have fought me (nobody wants to be told what they have been doing for the past 5 years is wrong).. then a year later would come back and say "damn steve you were right, i stopped using the gloves 3 months ago and now my forearms don't hurt anymore"