I believe you are totally right on that part
communication, intimacy and honesty.........i wnat that in a relationship....and i think all relationships will last on that
I believe you are totally right on that part
communication, intimacy and honesty.........i wnat that in a relationship....and i think all relationships will last on that
These 3 items are just very important to me & must be present if the couple wish to have a sucessful & long lasting relationship.
I've felt rejected for the past 6 months by someone who is supposed to be my girlfriend.
She used to train but for some reason stopped & she has the time at least 3 times a week as she's never home from university later than 2:30pm.
Yes her Chron's has caused some arthritis problems which makes it harder to do certain exercises but she has no interest of going. She says it's too expensive while her gym would allow her to pay $30/month for a year membership which she can afford.
But we've agreed that the last 3 weeks we have been getting along better as friends. Previously we'd always argue about why our relationship wasn't working & she would just turn it around on me & criticise me after all I've done for her.