I have a good question...why is that most gay people (and I know many) act more like women than most women do?
We call 'em Queens, and there's a lot of gay people that don't like them anymore than you do.
Particularly when they effect speech mannerism's like "Miss thing!", "You go girl!".
But we'll put up with them if they give good blow jobs.
The gays that aren't butch are obvious, so you notice them.
The butch gay guy at the next workout station doesn't register a blip on your gaydar screen,
so you assume he's straight.
Most straight people believe they don't know any gay people. That's so mistaken.
Most gays put the percentage of the population at 10% but even if it's a conservative 5 percent:
Each gay person has two parents and probably a brother, sister, aunt, uncle, grandfather, grandmother
That means 5%*7 relatives = 35% of the population have a close relative that is gay
not to mention coworkers, neighbors, doctors, barbers...
I'd also have to say, the acting girly is somewhat a regional thing. It's much more prevalent here in Texas than when I lived in California.
Same with drag shows, they're all over the place here in Texas. In California the only people that went to see drag shows were the tourists.