Assuming that you were singing, I don't see how it is relevent that the performers are gay. I don't see why you would want or need to exclude anyone from the performance.
We do not want to exclude anyone from coming except those who would be offended by coming to a gay community event. How do we let them know it's going to be a gay community event without putting the word gay somewhere in the title?
More importantly, we want to ATTRACT the gay community to our event. Remember, the event I was talking about was the FIRST EVER concert by the FIRST gay community chorus. 99% of our own community didn't know we existed. How are we supposed to communicate to our own people that we exist if we left "gay" out of the title?
Of course, as I revealed before, you were not doing it to sing, you were making a political statement using the chorus as the vehicle.
You didn't "reveal" anything before, you incorrectly twisted what I said to fit your bias.
Assuming that I went into a concert, I don't see how I would notice/care that the performers were gay
Maybe you can explain this.
There's a lot of SmegmaSoldiers out there that would disagree with your statement. We have no interest in suprising them after they're already in the hall attending the event. It seemed only prudent to let people know this was going to be a concert of the gay community, by the gay community, and for the gay community. Anybody else was welcome, but haters were warned in advance, simply by that one word in our name, what they were getting into.
No appologies.
I'm thru with this thread.