New member
Ok...This is my 3rd week on WSB and tonight was our DE Squat/Deadlift Workout... Everything was great on box squats, I was explosive off the box and held good form as far as I could tell... I was doing these outside the cage with a stance about a foot wider than the bottom of the cage on either side...So these were extremely wide stance.... It was a box about 1" below parallel.
Anyway, after our 10 sets of two I added a couple plates to do a couple quick singles on the box to see how it felt...Ok, this was only 405 now...I know don't laugh, but i haven't hit heavy squats in about 3 years since a previous back injury...Anyway I set up with a hard arch and pushed out abs as normal..I had no problem controlling it down to the box, I sat way back till my knees were past vertical keeping the bar over my heels..Then tried to flex up and of all things my left foot slipped a couple inches, enough to make me sit back on the box.
So I quickly reset my foot while telling my spotters I was ok, and then proceeded to flex up yet again...Problem is that when I was forced to sit back down my knees came even further past vertical with my feet too far out front, so when I flexed up i was forced to lean forward too far... So about half was up I as well as my spotters heard something Pop...And I felt a twinge in my lower back, kinda like It got weak all of a sudden, but I still finished the lift...
So after the set I start to stretch around to see if there was any pain...And found quite a bit when I bent over at the waist further than 45 degrees or so...It felt like I was couldnt support my weight and would fall over...But other than when bent over it was just tight on the right side..No Pain except bending over...So we move on to glute ham raises, I didnt want to pass on them since this is the first time I had done them...The GHR bench just arrived today which the owner purchased simply because I asked..Knowing only me and my crew would use it...Anyway...I struggle out 4 sets of 6, no lower back pain on these, but my hams were on fire...Next I hit reverse hypers on a bench I fabricated to go on one of the 2 power racks..This particular rack has a 300 lb weight stack attached for rows.. So I use a chain and ankle cuffs to attach the cable to my ankles...This makes an excellent Rev Hyper...I have used an actual pro model before, but the one we have is much harder since there is no swinging motion... But had no problem with these..
Then decided to skip abs tonight because of my lower back... Anyway, my long rambling all boils down to this...In all likelyhood what was that pop I felt and heard? Again the majority of pain is on my RIGHT side...If It was a slipped disk wouldn't I have had pain on my supplemental and accessory work? If not what are the other possibilities? Also, right now I just stretched a little and can bend over with much less pain..Feels less tight also...I will be hitting an extra workout tomorrow doing only reverse hypers and abs and stretching to see how everything feels...Should I go ahead and see a chairopractor if the pain is still there or just hit Extra Rev Hypers and various rehab work for a while? I ask because the last time I went to one after my last injury, it made my lower back hurt even more...And that was with 3 different highly recommended chiaropractors..
I know I know, I could have just jumped to the point...but I just wanted everyone to know how this happened in case anyone had the same experience in a similar situation...
Thanks in advance for the help and info..
Anyway, after our 10 sets of two I added a couple plates to do a couple quick singles on the box to see how it felt...Ok, this was only 405 now...I know don't laugh, but i haven't hit heavy squats in about 3 years since a previous back injury...Anyway I set up with a hard arch and pushed out abs as normal..I had no problem controlling it down to the box, I sat way back till my knees were past vertical keeping the bar over my heels..Then tried to flex up and of all things my left foot slipped a couple inches, enough to make me sit back on the box.
So I quickly reset my foot while telling my spotters I was ok, and then proceeded to flex up yet again...Problem is that when I was forced to sit back down my knees came even further past vertical with my feet too far out front, so when I flexed up i was forced to lean forward too far... So about half was up I as well as my spotters heard something Pop...And I felt a twinge in my lower back, kinda like It got weak all of a sudden, but I still finished the lift...
So after the set I start to stretch around to see if there was any pain...And found quite a bit when I bent over at the waist further than 45 degrees or so...It felt like I was couldnt support my weight and would fall over...But other than when bent over it was just tight on the right side..No Pain except bending over...So we move on to glute ham raises, I didnt want to pass on them since this is the first time I had done them...The GHR bench just arrived today which the owner purchased simply because I asked..Knowing only me and my crew would use it...Anyway...I struggle out 4 sets of 6, no lower back pain on these, but my hams were on fire...Next I hit reverse hypers on a bench I fabricated to go on one of the 2 power racks..This particular rack has a 300 lb weight stack attached for rows.. So I use a chain and ankle cuffs to attach the cable to my ankles...This makes an excellent Rev Hyper...I have used an actual pro model before, but the one we have is much harder since there is no swinging motion... But had no problem with these..
Then decided to skip abs tonight because of my lower back... Anyway, my long rambling all boils down to this...In all likelyhood what was that pop I felt and heard? Again the majority of pain is on my RIGHT side...If It was a slipped disk wouldn't I have had pain on my supplemental and accessory work? If not what are the other possibilities? Also, right now I just stretched a little and can bend over with much less pain..Feels less tight also...I will be hitting an extra workout tomorrow doing only reverse hypers and abs and stretching to see how everything feels...Should I go ahead and see a chairopractor if the pain is still there or just hit Extra Rev Hypers and various rehab work for a while? I ask because the last time I went to one after my last injury, it made my lower back hurt even more...And that was with 3 different highly recommended chiaropractors..
I know I know, I could have just jumped to the point...but I just wanted everyone to know how this happened in case anyone had the same experience in a similar situation...
Thanks in advance for the help and info..