Hi all, I need some help.. I'm 5'8 230lbs not sure of my bf% but I know its too high.. I did 4wks bol at 50mg along with Test e for 18wks at 500mg (mon & Thurs) went straight to winni tabs at 50 mg a day for about 4 wks before tearing my Acl and meniscus in my knee, also tore ligaments in my ankle.. I crashed and went into depression.. I did start clomid at 100 mg a day for a wk then 50 mg for two wks... I still feel my libido is in the dirt though.. I accumulated fat from sitting on my butt for 2 wks and not training for the past 6 wks. also a good amount of muscle has gone... So what im wondering is does any one have advice for me about losing my bodyfat with a blown acl and limited ability to do cardio... thanks