Hello,, I'm new to steroids i never took it before. I'm24, 5ft'5inch , 60kg. Which will be good starter for me ? Dbol alone or stack with deca or other? Please suggest me how to start good. Thank u.
I could be corrected with this, but your sill young and you may want to push the testosterone that you already have before starting steroids. But if you're gonna do it anyway start slow and don't get crazy. they are easy to get addicted to because you will not make the same kind of gains without them,frustration will win out, and you will be right back on them.
I would say Testosterone Enanthate is good to start with. "typically a 200 to 400mg injection is taken on a weekly basis" I say Ethinate because will not usually not give you boobs.
You will want to get clomid too, so you can bring your natural testosterone back up after your cycle. I don't think you will need to take Nolvadex toward the end of your cycles with the Testosterone Enanthate, but you may want to get some of that too just in case you ever start to show symptoms.
Testosterone Enanthate would work best with Real HGH, but it has been deemed very illegal and is very expensive and hard to get.
here is a good beginners stack, they can be purchased already mixed which saves you a ton of money. there are two variations. You will want the Nolvadex, and clomid with these.
I recommend the on with estosterone Propionate, Drostanolone Propionate, Trenbolone Acetate.
"The effective dosage for the stack 150 (as recommended by the manufacturers) is 150-300mg every 1 – 3 days." Probably less side effects
I still use this one-- Deca(Nandrolone Undecanoate), Sustanon(Testosterone Compound),Trenbolone Acetate "beginners/intermediate is 1ml to 2 ml a week" Some say no deca with Sustanon, but I've been cycling this for a while and it works great for me. I'm at the point were I take 3ml. Only one shot a week with this one!
You can buy these pre-mixed, It saves you a lot of money.
It sounds like you are going to do them anyway. Truthfully, the best advice is to listen to these guys and research. While steroids can be done safely, you would be surprised what you can do with out them with only what you have. Your testosterone levels are probably around 800-1000 as is. taking in a lot of Creatine, steak, chicken, an salad, and proper gym technique will do more for you right now than roids will. Look at the crap you have go through when you make the jump. Also remember when you stop it all goes away.