I went on a retarded diet this summer with like zero carbs and very low calories. I was on this diet for about a month. Now I gain fat very easily, even with my bulking diet being a 50/30/20 split. I have noticed that I am always rediculiously cold. my hands and feet are constantly cold, and now that it got cold outside its like tourture to me. I really hate it.
Do you guys think, that I could have suppressed my thyroid so much that it still didnt come back to normal? If so, is there anything that will help me get it back to normal? I read that one of the side effects of thyroid disfunction is low sex drive, and mine has been lagging since this summer.
Do you guys think, that I could have suppressed my thyroid so much that it still didnt come back to normal? If so, is there anything that will help me get it back to normal? I read that one of the side effects of thyroid disfunction is low sex drive, and mine has been lagging since this summer.