T Bone
New member
I'm finding out that my weakness is giving diet and trainging advice to a woman. I have never had a problem losing weight myself. All i have really only focused on is bulking. With that said, we need some critique on her rutien.
23yrs old
2 weeks into this...
Diet: (roughly)
1200 to 1500 cals
150 to 175 grs protien
90 to 120 grs carbs
40 to 60 grs fat
Five meals a day. 2 myoplex lites and 3 small meals. Taking Hydroxycut.
55 minutes of Tea Bo (5 days/wk) mon, tues, wed, fri and sat mornings on an empty stomach. 7am. Folowed by her first MRP.
Weights five days. Monday thru friday in the evenings. One body part per day. Cardio is skiped on thursday mornings because wednessday is leg day. Sunday is off day for everthing.
She grew up very athletic, playing every sport. Since high school, she has not done much and has put on the extra weight. Judging by her muscle mass, strength and frame, i feel 150lbs would be a good weight for her. She is not as big as 196lbs @ 5'6" sounds. Shes about a size 16. Alot of muscle underneath.
Goals are to loose fat and build muscle. Not going for the skinny wimpy girl look. She's not looking at the scale. She looking in the mirror and taking measurements.
Thanks for your help and it's good to be back at Elite again. She will be checking with my log in and possibly replying.
T Bone
23yrs old
2 weeks into this...
Diet: (roughly)
1200 to 1500 cals
150 to 175 grs protien
90 to 120 grs carbs
40 to 60 grs fat
Five meals a day. 2 myoplex lites and 3 small meals. Taking Hydroxycut.
55 minutes of Tea Bo (5 days/wk) mon, tues, wed, fri and sat mornings on an empty stomach. 7am. Folowed by her first MRP.
Weights five days. Monday thru friday in the evenings. One body part per day. Cardio is skiped on thursday mornings because wednessday is leg day. Sunday is off day for everthing.
She grew up very athletic, playing every sport. Since high school, she has not done much and has put on the extra weight. Judging by her muscle mass, strength and frame, i feel 150lbs would be a good weight for her. She is not as big as 196lbs @ 5'6" sounds. Shes about a size 16. Alot of muscle underneath.
Goals are to loose fat and build muscle. Not going for the skinny wimpy girl look. She's not looking at the scale. She looking in the mirror and taking measurements.
Thanks for your help and it's good to be back at Elite again. She will be checking with my log in and possibly replying.
T Bone
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