New member
My arms suck so now I decided to do somethjing different, I mean what the heck right..
Mon: Front Legs - Triceps(10-12 reps, 9 sets)
Tue: Chect - Biceps(10-12reps, 9 sets), calvs
Wed: OFF
Thu: Back - 3 sets military press for shoulders then Triceps(6 sets, 5-6reps)
Fri: Shoulders(no presses not to involvce triceps to much)
Sat: Biceps/triceps(7 sets each, 3 movements, 10-8-6(4) reps), back legs(SLDL)
I will on the workout days eat like a hourse, also take mid day naps. I know it might look strange with that much arm workout per week but I need to do something drastic, so wtf, I'll try it for a couple of weeks. The gear I'm on will help with recovery(I recover faster than I've ever done before right now)
Next week:
mon: Legs + calvs
Tue: Chest - biceps
wedn: Back, Triceps, trapz
Thu: OFF
Fri: Shoulders, triceps + biceps
Sat: off
Sun: off
Mon: Front Legs - Triceps(10-12 reps, 9 sets)
Tue: Chect - Biceps(10-12reps, 9 sets), calvs
Wed: OFF
Thu: Back - 3 sets military press for shoulders then Triceps(6 sets, 5-6reps)
Fri: Shoulders(no presses not to involvce triceps to much)
Sat: Biceps/triceps(7 sets each, 3 movements, 10-8-6(4) reps), back legs(SLDL)
I will on the workout days eat like a hourse, also take mid day naps. I know it might look strange with that much arm workout per week but I need to do something drastic, so wtf, I'll try it for a couple of weeks. The gear I'm on will help with recovery(I recover faster than I've ever done before right now)
Next week:
mon: Legs + calvs
Tue: Chest - biceps
wedn: Back, Triceps, trapz
Thu: OFF
Fri: Shoulders, triceps + biceps
Sat: off
Sun: off