Lol of course he will win me and glad knew that from the start.
Tblock: (current)
Bench: 3x3x235, 255x1 (probably could get 275x1)
Squat: 300x5
Deadlift: 380x5 +380x4
military press: 150x5
Bench: 375x1
Squat: 405x2?
Deadlift: 475x5?
Military press: 225x5 (he does btn press)
The only thing I might have him on is the 1 handed deadlift without strap because he doesn't practive grip stuff.
OK I tgook all my videos expect one handed deads ill explain later. But I am gonna post them up tonight i promise. I have been moving the last 2 weeks and working full time also goin to college full time so ive barely even worked out it sucks. I also dropped some weight (193) and my strength went down (bench 315x3, squat 365x5, military 205x5). But ill post them up tonight sorry for takin so fuckin long lol