Been busy the past week or so. Haven't had time to attempt 255x20 yet but did get a few workouts in. Work has been hectic so I decided to not push it and wait until i'm ready for the 20 reppers. I am very anxious to get back at them!
This workout was at the gym and not my hot garage.
BTN press strict 95x12
BTN pp 135x10 155x8x 185x5
Shrugs 225x15 315x15 365x12
back squats warmedup 225x8 275x3 315x1
Deadlifted off pins right below knee height 225x5 315x3 365x2
grip work-hang from pullup bar 1:05. I'm going to try to up this time each workout.
powersnatch worked up to 60 kg
powerclean up to 102.5, pulling was weak from deads the day before. Missed my first attempt and had to try again.
flat bench 135x10 185x5 225x5 275missed 265 went up but not the way it needs to. 275 wasnt' that far off either my bench is feeling strong for not really pushing it the past few months.
close grip 3 boardpress 225x3 235x3
my new favorite exercise is flipping bumper plates. Did 20 consecutive flips with each hand simultaneoulsy with a 25lb bumper in each hand.
chest supported parallel bb rows
135x8 185x6 205x5 135x12 these were done explosively as possible deloading the weight between each rep. There is only an inch or so slack in my arms when the bar is on the ground.
worked on snatch and clean form
snatch worked up to 45kg really trying to pull myself under
clean worked up to 82kg again trying to pull my self under and only pulling the bar as high as I think i need to, to get under it.
My training seems to be going good my weight has not gone up I weigh 187 right now. I attribute that to work and sweating ungodly amounts and my cooler can only hold so much food.
I start school again on monday so that will allow me to pretty much just sit in class and eat whatever i'm disciplined enough to make the night before. I'm looking forward to it.