In a bit over a year I've lost about 120 lbs.
I always keep my protein intake high.. 200 - 300g.. 400+ if I'm going all out.
Carbs are kept medium to low and lowish fat, all good fats.
I've lost very minimal muscle mass eating this way (no cycles were done, just started my first 1 recently)
When I eat lazily which i'll do from time to time (lower protein, higher carbs).. my weight basically stays the same.
I always keep my protein intake high.. 200 - 300g.. 400+ if I'm going all out.
Carbs are kept medium to low and lowish fat, all good fats.
I've lost very minimal muscle mass eating this way (no cycles were done, just started my first 1 recently)
When I eat lazily which i'll do from time to time (lower protein, higher carbs).. my weight basically stays the same.