The was I've always looked at it is that bodybuilding is all about range of motion, the longer the motion, the more fibres you're bringing into play. Decline is the shortest range of all, and doesnt do anything that flat wont do
I love declines, they really make you work your chest as opposed to the delts...which I'm sure 90% of people do too much because they don't squeeze their shoulder blades together during ANY of their presses (incline or flat).
The was I've always looked at it is that bodybuilding is all about range of motion, the longer the motion, the more fibres you're bringing into play. Decline is the shortest range of all, and doesnt do anything that flat wont do
I found that declines gave me a really sharp edge at the bottom of the pecs. It's more noticeable the lower your bodyfat, which is why I don't do them at all now, LOL I have a real hard time doing dips without getting too much tricep out of it.
I do flat bench first because i love the increase in weight and EGO.Flat bench gives you a good ego booost. Incline gives you a good pump but who ask how much you incline?
I feel better inclining 360 then flat benching 370 personally. Dont see too many people exceeding 300lbs on incline. Both of my benches were around the same last I tested them. Due to this injury I havent had a chance in nearly 3 months. 405 unassisted on either bench will be nice though, hopefully Ill be able to hit it this year when I heal up.
I have two main exercises I do for chest: 20 deg incline barbell, and dips. I feel the dips do the work of decline presses only better for me, and the slight inclines take some of the benching pressure off of my rotator cuffs. This is the best combination for me. Every now and then I'll do flat barbells for a week or two, but I prefer the inclines.
I found that declines gave me a really sharp edge at the bottom of the pecs. It's more noticeable the lower your bodyfat, which is why I don't do them at all now, LOL I have a real hard time doing dips without getting too much tricep out of it.
I've never done declines. I think primarily because I started lifting much later in life (32), and I had read somewhere or possibly several somewhere's that declines are not a good thing for olde' farte's.
Why the mention of decline? It is incline or flat. IMO, decline is an unneccesary lift. I agree with hitting the muscle in many angles but decline has not benefitted me or my clients.