CHO = chemical notation for carbohydrates. The reason I do not work out the last week is two-fold: #1. The daily posing itself, with all the flexing and holding is a work-out by itself and I simply don't have the energy on zero carbs; #2. Over the years, I have found that the skin, during the dehydration process, kind of shrink-wraps around the muscle and I don't want to stretch it out by pumping up with blood and obscuring my cuts. This is particularly true of quads.
B-rad. I've been competing for a while and this is what works for me. I would hate for you to try to carb deplete and load for the first time at show-time. You really should do at least one dry run in case you are one of those few guys it doesn't work for. Feel free to PM me anytime for any other questions!