These are the methods DC uses for stretching.
Extreme Chest Stretch - With a dumbbell in each hand, lie with your down on a flat bench with arms straight out at your side. While doing this stretch, try to keep your lungs as full of air as possible while breathing with your chest high. In the first 10 seconds of the stretch, drop your arms into the deepest stretch of the chest. Then, in the next 50 seconds, try to really push the stretch farther.
Extreme Shoulders Stretch – Place a barbell in a squat rack at shoulder height and then while facing away from it, reach behind you to grab the bottom of the barbell, palms facing up. While holding this position, slowly walk yourself outward as far as you can until you are on your heels. Once in that position, roll your shoulders downward as if attempting to point your shoulders at the ground and hold that position for 60 seconds.
Extreme Triceps Stretch – Seat yourself on a flat bench, with your back against the racked barbell. Grasp a dumbbell with your hands and put it behind your head with your elbows pointing up, as if doing an overhead dumbbell extension. For the first 10 seconds, sink the dumbbell down into a stretch. For 50 seconds after that, lean back slightly while pushing the dumbbell down with the back of your head.
Extreme Back Stretch – Find a sturdy, stationary object such as a door knob or bolted down equipment. Grab onto this object with both hands and move your feet as close to the point directly underneath this object as you can. Once your feet are in place and you have a good grip on this object, move your body down and back as far as you can while keeping your legs straight and your back round. Hold this stretch for 60 seconds.
Extreme Biceps Stretch – Place a barbell in a squat rack at shoulder height and then while facing away from it, reach behind you to grab the top of the barbell, palms facing down. Now you will want to sink to the lowest position as you can with the progression being from a squatting position to a kneeling position to finally sitting down with your feet on the ground and your knees pointing up. Once in this position, hold the stretch for up to 60 seconds.
Extreme Hamstring Stretch – In a Smith power rack, place the back of your foot on the barbell, which should be set on the highest rung possible. Using the hand on the same side as the leg that’s up, try to touch your toes. Place the other hand on top of your knee and apply pressure on the knee to try to straighten the leg. Hold this position for 60 seconds.
Extreme Quadriceps Stretch – Face a barbell at hip height in a power rack. Grab the barbell palms down, keep your feet a few inches apart and squat down, putting your knees underneath the barbell. While keeping your buttocks close to, but not on, your heels, move your pelvis and knees forward without letting your knees touch the ground. Finally, lean back as far as you can while straightening your arms. Hold this position for 60 seconds.
Note: The bicep and back stretches don't work well for me, he said you can use any stretch that works for you aslong as you hold it for a minute.
I don't know if I would overtrain with a 2on 1off 2on 2off split so I might do a 1on 1off 1on 1 off 1on split. If you want jeremys, we could do this training method together and compare notes. As it would be my first time doing it so having help and support of someone else might keep me motivated. Let me know.