So here is my typical routine:
Day 1: (warmup sets not included)
4 flat bench. Starting with 8-10 rents and increasing weight until on the last set I do 2-3
3 x incline
3x decline
4 sets preacher curl with EZ bar. Two wide grip two inner grip. shoot for 6-8 reps a set
then I either do seating incline dumbell curls standing hammer curls.. standing dumbell curls.. or standing straight bar curls. I usually try to get a total of 8 sets including the preacher curl sets done.
Day 2:
Back and Tris
I do 3 sets up pull up.. I can only do 5-6 per set.
3 sets of lat pulldown.. 70-100lbs a set
3 sets of seated rows on a machine 100 lbs to 110lbs trying to do 6-10 reps
3 sets of dips.. 15 first set.. then I can only do 10 and 8
3 sets of tricep push down (machine) 90-100lbs
3 sets of rope pull downs.. 60lbs or so usually
Day 3: Shoulders/Legs
3 sets dumbell shoulder press
3 sets military on the smith machine or the shoulder press machine
3 set dumbell lateral raises..
sometimes i will throw in the cable pulls
3 sets shrugs with the smith machine
2 sets upright rows
3 sets of Squats (I only squat 135 im weak with it)
3 sets hamstring curls
2 sets leg extentions
2 sets leg press
sometimes I do calve presses.
my goal is to continue bulking. A year ago I was 162lbs. Now I am 192 but gaining weight is getting tougher.. I am 6'2"
Max bench when from 105 to 200 in a year.
I'm natural but use creatine and glutamine as well as protein shakes.
I try deadlifts sometimes but I never feel like I have the form.
Day 1: (warmup sets not included)
4 flat bench. Starting with 8-10 rents and increasing weight until on the last set I do 2-3
3 x incline
3x decline
4 sets preacher curl with EZ bar. Two wide grip two inner grip. shoot for 6-8 reps a set
then I either do seating incline dumbell curls standing hammer curls.. standing dumbell curls.. or standing straight bar curls. I usually try to get a total of 8 sets including the preacher curl sets done.
Day 2:
Back and Tris
I do 3 sets up pull up.. I can only do 5-6 per set.
3 sets of lat pulldown.. 70-100lbs a set
3 sets of seated rows on a machine 100 lbs to 110lbs trying to do 6-10 reps
3 sets of dips.. 15 first set.. then I can only do 10 and 8
3 sets of tricep push down (machine) 90-100lbs
3 sets of rope pull downs.. 60lbs or so usually
Day 3: Shoulders/Legs
3 sets dumbell shoulder press
3 sets military on the smith machine or the shoulder press machine
3 set dumbell lateral raises..
sometimes i will throw in the cable pulls
3 sets shrugs with the smith machine
2 sets upright rows
3 sets of Squats (I only squat 135 im weak with it)
3 sets hamstring curls
2 sets leg extentions
2 sets leg press
sometimes I do calve presses.
my goal is to continue bulking. A year ago I was 162lbs. Now I am 192 but gaining weight is getting tougher.. I am 6'2"
Max bench when from 105 to 200 in a year.
I'm natural but use creatine and glutamine as well as protein shakes.
I try deadlifts sometimes but I never feel like I have the form.