Flat BBL Bench 10x3@250. This is a 10 lb increase from last time. Probably will continue with 10x3.
Wide grip chins 2x6, 3x4.
Calves 2x12@bod, 3x5 single leg with 65lb dbl.
Curls BBL 1x5@70, 1x5@80, 3x5@90
BBL skull crushers 1x15@70
BBL Squats, 1x20@135, 2x10@185!!!!!!!
Calves 1x20@bod, 5x5@45
BBL Power Shrugs 4x6@325
PWO Shake 2 scoops, 4 oz water, 20 oz 2% milk, 1 pack gelatine
300mls Primo with a pinch of deca to make it even sweeter!