jeremys said:hopefully wont go below 100g carbs a day
i couldnt maintin my left leg on that. man, i know your big, but trust me, this isnt the way, increase your workload, dont deprive the body of nutrition.
good luck
oh yeah, yesterday i did lats and chest. this is what i did.
wide grip pulldowns to the front 180lbs, 5 sets of 5
30 second lat stretch at the end of the last set
close grip bench 225lbs, 5 sets of 5.
30 second pec stretch at end of the last set.
seated cable v-bar rows for 2 sets of 10, 155lbs.
incline db flys for 2 sets of 10, 30lbers
1 set of 15 straight arm cable pull overs with 60lbs with a 2 second pause at the bottom.
1 set of 15 decline db bench press with 60lbers with a 2 second pause at the top.
yeah i felt it really good, i dont know if it was anything due to the stretch or not, either way, i felt it.