I do tons of yoga and there are tons of exercises that will really open up your hips...
try visiting websites that explain the different yoga postures and poses....
Note: Don't stretch further than what you're comfortable with. If you push yourself too far you're likely to really injure yourself, believe me!! And keep breathing the entire time you're doing a stretch.
my favorite pose for opening up the hips is pigeon pose:
here's the link to a page that really does a good job of explaining it:
there's also another pose that is great, but it's a real bitch if you don't have much flexibility in the hips
-sit on the floor with your feet flat on the floor in front of you(knees are off the ground and in front of the chest)
-take your right leg and bring it underneath the other, pulling it so that your right heel is to the side of your left hip
-now take your left leg and bring it over the top of your right leg, pulling the left heel to the side of the right hip (you should probably feel a good stretch in your left hip already)
-your knees should be in line with each other, left directly above right, and when you look down at your legs they should look as if they form a triangle, with your knees as the top point of the triangle
-if you need more stretch SLOWLY ease your torso forward (keeping your back straight)
Hope these work for you!!
---Mr. S---