taken from tmag
Bodybuilder’s Chili
The easiest way to go about making this chili is to spend Sunday afternoon cooking enough for the rest of the week. (You can’t go wrong with pre-made meals for the entire week!) First, get yourself one of those empty 5-pound buckets of protein you used to buy before Biotest's Advanced Protein hit the market and then fill it with chili, using the following recipe.
Sure, if you broil up 7 pounds of ground beef, throw in a can or two of stewed tomatoes, some kidney beans, a can or two of tomato paste, and a fistful of chili powder, say the magic words (Long live Beano!) and next thing you know, you've got fourteen quick meals. Spoon about a half pound out in your tupperware in the morning and toss it in the microwave when it's time to eat. That'll cut prep time down to a minimum. You can also do the same thing with chicken and turkey. Let’s recap:
7 pounds extra lean ground beef, chicken, or turkey
3 cans red kidney beans
1 can stewed tomatoes
2 cans tomato paste
Chili powder
Small Bucket
Magic Words
Sure it won’t taste as good as Bubba’s 5-alarm chili, but then again, you’ll have a much better physique than Bubba, bubba!