Hey Zed sorry I'm still here just so much going on ATM. Yeah my trap is 90% better than last wk. it's a constant ache that is in the right trap right at middle point of shoulder blade sometimes it's that bad that I can't turn my head then other it's just there but not too bad. I seem a physio who told me to go for cortisol inj but I'm hoping to put that off until spring just before I deload for my cut. I missed a few days training but making sure my protein is high enough and I'm eating right. I managed a full wk last wk and feel totally pumped now. I started beast and test wed for 8 wks so hope it's not too awkward ...hope your all well I'm going to post up some numbers up next.
Here are some number before I hit the next 8 wk cycle.
Bench 70kg I got up to 77.5 on my last cycle but lost a lil strength off cycle.
Hammer strength decline 3x10 @ 30kg each side
Pec dec / db flies
Arnold press 2okg was 22.5kg/ ohp 55kg 4x8 7 6 5 just started this in place of Arnold just to mix it up a little
Front raises 15kg each arm 3x10
Side lat raise 15kg each arm 3x10
Ez bi curl 3x8 8 7 7
Pull-ups bi's 30
Tris I use pully machines as easier on tendon or close grip bench and dips.
Back hammer strength 3x10 30kg was 35kg and hammer strength lat pull down 30kg each Side.
Reverse fly machine4x10
Bb shrugs 3x10 135kg