NO, avoid weight gainers. In fact, anything other than nutritous real food should not be counted into your calories for the day. ANy junk food you eat, just write it off as junk food, and eat additional clean food to meet your calorie needs as though youdidn't eat the low quality foods. 20X bw is agood start when on a cycle and trying to gain size, but again, avoid processed foods, hydrogenated oils, etc. Make certain you do some cardio, and since you can recover and grow rapidly from your workouts on your first cycle, training each body part 2 or even 3 times a week (keep the volume low though) would be of great benefit. If you are not spending 2 hours working out at a time, you will not overtrain on a high frequincy system on your first couple of cycles. You should recover and grow from every workout within a day or two, and be ready to train the same body part again, but with more intensity and heavier weights. Just keep the volume in check. You do not need 10 or 12 sets per body part. A few really intenst sets should be more than adequite for growth each workout. Have a good routine worked out before you take your first shot. Make the most of your first cycle.