Your dosages listed are so low that you won't notice anything from them what so ever. Even a female won't notice anything from those dosages.
Do some research on how to run the old school classic bulking cycle of test + deca + dbol ->
Both deca and test are known to cause a lot of water retention. Especially if you aren't using the proper support supplements with your cycle.
Remember to include the proper support supplements with your cycle:
1. An AI to keep estrogen in the low-normal range. Aromasin at 10mg EOD is a good dosage.
2. An anti-prolactin drug to keep prolactin in the low-normal range. Cabergoline at 0.25mg EOD is a good dosage.
The support supplements are very important because high estrogen and prolactin levels can lead to side effects like gyno and water retention.
I would also add in a good liver aid supplement like n2guard from when using the dbol because it is a liver toxic oral steroid.
Here's what I recommend:
Weeks 1 - 16
testosterone 500mg/week
deca 300mg/week
aromasin 12.5mg every other day
cabergoline 0.25mg every other day
Weeks 1 - 6
dbol 30mg/day
n2guard 7 capsules/day
After your cycle run the perfect PCT protocol: