this is it. it's going to happen. i've stalled and whined and made excuses. i've tried to change priorities. i've made probably 5-6 other 'training journals' but this has to happen. 25% bodyfat is just fackin unacceptable, no matter what i choose to do.
split for now will be whatever i have to do in gym class for a couple weeks. all i know is that it consists of benching and squatting 2x a week.
diet will be CKD. i started with a half-week so i'm going to wait until this weekend for my 12-24 hour carb-up. i'm looking very flat and very small due to being depleted. so i vow to myself not to sit and try to pose every morning and night, lol. hopefully the changes will seem quicker.
workouts will be whatever i can handle, but i can't try to build any mass or strength while being depleted and having under 20g carbs a day. so they will just be depletion/volume workouts with light weight.
for rehab for my back, i stretch 3 times a day and i plan on doing some excercises 3-4 times a week. things such as lying pelvic thrusts, light good mornings, and band pull-throughs.
..off to do bi's and chest right now. figured i'd add them in this week on their own day since they're somewhat weak points and i could use a little pump action. also a snow day today, so i need something to do
split for now will be whatever i have to do in gym class for a couple weeks. all i know is that it consists of benching and squatting 2x a week.
diet will be CKD. i started with a half-week so i'm going to wait until this weekend for my 12-24 hour carb-up. i'm looking very flat and very small due to being depleted. so i vow to myself not to sit and try to pose every morning and night, lol. hopefully the changes will seem quicker.
workouts will be whatever i can handle, but i can't try to build any mass or strength while being depleted and having under 20g carbs a day. so they will just be depletion/volume workouts with light weight.
for rehab for my back, i stretch 3 times a day and i plan on doing some excercises 3-4 times a week. things such as lying pelvic thrusts, light good mornings, and band pull-throughs.
..off to do bi's and chest right now. figured i'd add them in this week on their own day since they're somewhat weak points and i could use a little pump action. also a snow day today, so i need something to do