You are making the right move Lee, at 18 you should be able to make awesome gains so why waste these years on trying to cut. A bulking diet is not rocket science, You don't need a meal plan other then eat alot of good food everyday. When I make a meal I just think Protien and, one of my favourate meals is a 425 gram tin of tuna mixed with a pack of cheesy packet pasta like maccaroni and cheese.
Your current meal plan needs major change.
Lee said:
breakfast: 3 whole eggs, 1 glass milk, 1/2 cup oatmeal
lunch: protein shake
after school: 3 whole eggs, protein shake
post workout: some sort of meat, some sort of green veggie, protein shake mixed with fat free milk
sometimes before bed ill eat 3 more eggs too
i do cardio 4 days a week, lift 3 days a week.
The main problem with your current meal plan is that your not eating enough
real food. Every break you get at school eat something, there is a big gap from breakfast to your after school meal that no real food is being consumed. I can't tell you what to eat and when to eat it because I have no idea of what suits you, no one but yourself can make up a bulking diet that will fit into your day to day life other than you, all that can be done is a guide.
Make sure every meal you eat has a good amount of protein in it, try to fit in 5 solid meals per day, top that off with 2 shakes, one after your workout and one before bed.
Remember that carbs are essential for building muscle. Don't worry about counting the grams of carbs and protein you eat, you shouldn't have to worry about that because every meal your making your thinking "protein and carbs" Your body will be shocked into growth considering the miserable amount of food you have been eating lately. Bulking is just that "bulking", so eat till your heart's content, and