Quadsweeps Sister
New member
majutsu said:I was a little scared this morning because by the time I was done shopping, I had spent thousands, not the modest start I was thinking of. You can't trust a man with toys and a bank card.But it will do it all. Then next month (I have to stop the bleeding of money for now) I'm going to add a GHR and reverse hyper. This month I got the power rack, weights, bench and accessory work stuff (pull throughs, lats, etc). One of the guys at work (pl and football coach) already wants to come over, but he's got to know there is no rap (he's a hip black man who likes that crap), just slayer, and there is no way in hell I'm waiting for anybody to use equipment in MY gym. I think I'll make a poster with my own "club rules". 1)No wife beaters, backwards caps or abercrombe and fitch "gear". 2) Anyone caught doing triceps kickbacks, cable flys, curls in the rack or the like will be executed at dawn. 3) Any music or conversation distasteful to GOD (me) will be handled by divine retribution. Feel free to give me more rules. I probably need 10 for a good poster
...I have a poster of Marilyn Monroe doing a bench press in jeans and a bikini top - LOL.