with todays competetive edge for sex appeal women have got alll the tools and it's safe moderately costly and LEGAL. with the modern day women in the Gym and in the plastic surgeous operating table and with shows like NIP TUK(love it)
do you belive that more males will turn to Steroids to tune their bodies into what the newly tuned female bodies fo america want???? is this a safe society that leads every one to want to customise their assets in some shape or form????
me personaly i liek my women like i like my cars and thats custom built. and todays women i belive want the same type of devotion tyo body from us as they put forth .
the only unfariness in this to me, is that women can do anything to their bodies legaly and affordable. i mean my supplier wont give me a credit check and put me on a monthly payment plan for my dream cycle, will he. lol . and whats do men have that in options to customise their bodies. if i want that asimetrical back and massice tri's i dont go to the local plastic surgeoun and get a tri implant, although i saw a guy on mtv with calve implants. LMAO. I have to bust my ass in the Gym and to take iot to the next level pump myself full of harfull juices to get the heads turning like mine turn when i see some silicone. lol.
just a thought and a rant of the unfairness men have to go through to keep up on ther sex appeal edge of todays america.