Well, I have a few issues. Symetry being one MAJOR one. I think I have a torn pec, however I've never had it checked out. The lower portion of my Right Pec, like isn't there, can't flex it. My right side always goes out first. Left is roaring...
Right Bicep is shorter, and is 1/2" smaller than the left. Shoulder feels like it can dip lower, like it's loose. I can't recall any specific serious injury to my shoulder or pec.. but anyway.. that's an issue.
Besides all this..
I talked with my coach (if I can get my shit together), JJ Marsh (IFBB Pro), and he's ready to kick into high gear.
On my own:
Day1: Back/Chest
Day2: Bis/Tris/Delts
Day3: Hams/Quads
Day4: Calves/traps
Day5: Repeat or Rest
I've done alot of double splits, had great results, but I don't see myself producing gains like some other guys in the gym. I've never touched a steriod, which I probably should reconsider.
Food & Supplement Wise:
12 Cans Tuna
1-2 Gallons H2O
Zero Carbs (normally), but I'm reconsidering this (6 Ramens or 6 Angel Hair Nests)
MRs (GNC or MetRX)
*normally Apex Creatine
*multiV (MegaMen GNC)
There is a contest in March of next year, that I would love to do. It's a natural NPC in Arizona. However, I'm unsure I will be able to due to financial and studying issues.. in any case, I DO wish to compete.
I KNOW that I work harder then anyone I see in the gym. I am focused, sometimes too much, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes.
So with that all said.. FEED MY BRAIN!