New member
Hey ladies I hope you are all having a wonderful evening! Anyhow I just wanted to share that I recently started to do a variation on the warrior diet and I freaking love it. I also am seeing strength gains and fat loss!!!! It so goes against traditional 6 meals a day mentality but it makes life less stressful. I also have been vegan since 1991 so I have to be ultra creative with my dieting strategy to make gains comparable with carnivores . I started doing the diet with Monday Tuesday Thursday Friday low carb. And the rest high carbs and one cheat meal. I experimented with adding more high carb days to see the effect on my training. Didn't really make much of a difference, but I'm gonna give it one more week. I do my weight training in a fasted state and take my yogimbine hci and caffeine 1/2 before. So far it's kick ass. I hope it will continue like this. But anyhow I just wanted to share - have a great evening - train hard and eat clean ladies