how wide does everyone place their hands? because when i do them ... too close, and it hurts my wrists. so, either i have girl-ass wrists, or im gripping it too close.
One and one half inches from the smooth. I was told to do them one finger on the smooth, but I cannot do them that way. Depending upon your build, you may have to go wider than a classic close grip.
I don't think I have girly wrists, though I might. I have a six two 300 lb training partner who is far from girly, and he cannot grip any narrower than I do, either.
I position mine at about a foot. I am sure to tuck the elbows into my lats when I lower the bar. If your grip is too close, the bar will lose balance, plus you are placing extra stress on the wrists.
I vary mine from about 2-3" apart to pointer finger on the smooth. Depends on how I feel and I also use different grips for different variations of exercises...