cardio for 40 minutes400 cals burned and on an empty stomach
we bought our appliance from the same place, appliance man is coming to fix the stove today, so far since our dishwasher has broken 2 times, our vacuum and our washing machine getting a wee bit annoyed LOL
- study for the last time for awhile my final is tomorrow!
- get all the kids stuff ready for tomorrow, I have to leave early to drop them off at my mom's to write my final tomorrow LOL.
A. for many multiples, I go to reply to a post & instead of replying I copy & paste into a word document. After copying all the quotes, with codes, & replying to each, I just reply on the thread & copy form the word document into the reply field.
B. Same as above, except, instead of going to a word document, I just copy each one I want to reply to, go to edit my original reply, & paste in there.
A. for many multiples, I go to reply to a post & instead of replying I copy & paste into a word document. After copying all the quotes, with codes, & replying to each, I just reply on the thread & copy form the word document into the reply field.
B. Same as above, except, instead of going to a word document, I just copy each one I want to reply to, go to edit my original reply, & paste in there.
Your a wee bit busy right now, so totally understandable LOL.
It is a little sore. I ran for 20min on tuesday and could barely get out of bed on wednesday even through stretching. So I stretched in bed yesterday. Stretched after cardio today and will through out the day.
I have to admit to myself that running can not be my form of cardio right now and I am not ok with that but will be when I find my new obsession LOL.
Your a wee bit busy right now, so totally understandable LOL.
It is a little sore. I ran for 20min on tuesday and could barely get out of bed on wednesday even through stretching. So I stretched in bed yesterday. Stretched after cardio today and will through out the day.
I have to admit to myself that running can not be my form of cardio right now and I am not ok with that but will be when I find my new obsession LOL.
Love, love the eliptical, hubby and I used to compete to see who could burn the most cals, of course I had to put mine to the highest level LOL.
unfortunately, when I do my butt and hip hurt, and getting to the gym is harder these days, butt when I do go that is what I do go on!
Still looking for the FIRM tapes that shorty recommended. I have got to change my way of thinking that running is the only way. I have been walking on an small incline too.
I write my final today AHHHHHH LOL. won't get results back a month. It is finally going to be over for a while. I will be taking another course just so happy to get this one done!