Ok this may make me tear up, but listen.
I will NEVER slam someone for making a decision that will improve her quality of life, and prolong it. What's past is past ... I truly believe YOU chose the path you take in the future, and you have chosen to be healthy, now you are chosing to quit smoking. That is AWESOME and I am SO Proud of you, you really have no idea CK.
Some things are out of your control, ok we've BOTH been
there lol, but the best thing for you to do is make the right decision for you and your family, and you did. The comp part is up to you. I think Shadow can foresee things that you haven't thought of yet as the date approaches, and your health is just more important. Heck if all the sudden you feel like a million bucks in a week then by all means .... Kill it girl! But if not, don't worry about it. Like Sassy always says, have a few backup show dates. If you have to wait til next year? woo hoo time to add some more muscle & preplan a little better (again NOT really your fault here).
Just think, you can use cig Money & the $$ to do this show to come see me
I will buy your tickets to the day/night show