Hi ,
You're right about no-circ , they're a bit nuts but like I said earlier this is an issue that rightly upsets people. I got into this issue primarily since I went out with a German girlfriend for two years, I don't know if you know any German women but believe me their men are entirely passive,so much so that the women are almost entirely dominant . Female circumcision is a big issue in Germany (although it does not take place there) since feminism is so strong but unfortunately they refuse to give a shit for the male version which is at least as bad (unless one is referring to pharonic circumcision which involves excision of the clitoris itself!). Anyway she was a bit of a man-hater which got my goat up and I knew of a big black dude from Nigeria who used my gym but never took showers there - you guessed it - he was circumcised and was more than a bit upset about it too. So I read as much on the topic as I could, there's actually quite a lot of medical research done into it - most of it is available on the net since it's gonna become a political hot potato very soon.
So to abbreviate I could have bothered to look up the URL for the AAP's latest findings on the long-term effects of circumcision but I took the short-cur of going through the slightly nutty no-circ site.
I believe their heart is in the right place (protection of the rights and integrity of the child).
Cheers to you too.