Originally posted by revexrevex
I genuinely think its achievable, especially for someone like you, who has been training for decades [/QUOTE]
I guess I should share why this is such a source of pride.
My wife was hardcore. She decided she really wanted go for her best in bodybuilding... but she had a very high ideal for what kind of physique she wanted... and a part of that was that she wanted to be a true strength athlete. She was very very beautiful... hair down to her ass... and a fabulous body naturally. She wanted dense muscle... but to still emphasize the "womanly" look.
She didn't want to be a bodybuilder that wasn't strong. She really took pride in hitting good highs on strength lifts.
She was a bodybuilder... but her guiding influence was Kent Keuhn... Arnold Swarzenegger's old training partner. Kent helped her shape her workouts and plans... a part of that was pushing for strength goals.
One of her goals was her pullup. (She competed in bodybuilding at about 165 lbs ripped so she wasn't light. 165lbs is a lot of weight for a woman to pull up the bar.) We worked for years on her pullups.
We were training partners for 10 years. I will never forget the days when I first used to lift her because she couldn't do pullups yet... but could still work the negative... I'd lift her rep after rep... set after set. Then one day... she did a rep on her own. that was a major celebration breakfast day. Within a week or two she was doing multi reps. Then soon she could do reps with weight tied to her.
Her pullups were our biggest weightlifting project together.
She got to the point she could do 12 wide grip pullups behind her neck in perfect form... full up... slow down to a full hang. Flawless.
I honestly think her pullups was the lift she was proudest of... and it was amazing to see. She was very strong... stronger than most men... and her back was amazing.