Hi everyone, I apologize in advance if this is posted in the wrong section.
I’m currently out of shape and have gained about 35 pounds in the past 3 years (Covid, new job, got married)
Im looking at dropping weight with clean diet and fasting. For exercise I will mainly be doing lots of cardio in the form of jogging and cycling (Peloton) mixed in with basic weight lifting with dumbbells I have at home.
Anyway, I ordered a bottle of Cardazol and Need2Slin from N2BM website. My question is, can I just take both of these how it recommends on the bottle or is there any particular way that works best when stacking these two supplements?
Thank you everyone.
@Newbie16 cardazol and n2slin x good stack to fat loss
use 1 capsule n2slin x before meal 15 min and 1 capsule after meal
use 3 caps cardazol AM with your empty stomach cardio but start with 2 caps
now no matter if you take the cardazol n2slin or not, you still need to keep a diet training cardio LOG JOurnal on EF so we can help you and guide you to getting good fat loss.
If you want us to really guide you, and we have 100s of years of experience between us, you need to post a LOG Journal with your stats (weight,height,age, years training, cycle history) diet, training, cardio, supplement, sleep details. If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.
Please post a Log Journal asap for us
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in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: My Diet Training Fat loss Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle
here are examples of LOG Journals
For context before I start at the bottom of this are photos of what I looked like after 8 years of hard training other then over the counter supplements I used nothing else I built my base the correct way. Trt didn't come into the picture till I was in my 30s what you see with these photos is...
38 y/o Puertorican male Cycle start on Oct 18 @ 220 lbs Today 239 lbs Napsgear: (USDomestic) 300 mg Test Cyp Week (XT Labs Testoplex C-300) (Odin) < Ultra Fast Shipping + High Quality : 50mg Anavar Pre-Workout only (3x week) 20mg Nolvadex ED at Bedtime Started Nov 5 (Noticed my nipple lumps a...
Starting a new cycle. 12 weeks Umbrella lab GW 501516 - 20 mg daily ACP 150 - 20 mg daily split 10/10 RAD 140 - 20 mg daily Stats 56 year old 6’ tall 192 lbs 10.5 % body fat On TRT 200 mg every 4 days Aremidex .5 mg per test inject 10 mg creatine pre and post work out Extend BCAA 1 scoop...
Weeks 1-5: Test Enanthate 500mg/wk Weeks 1-4: Rad140 20mg/Ed Weeks 4-14: EQ 500mg/week Weeks 6-14:Ttest Prop 125mg/eod Tren Ace 50mg/eod Mast prop 100mg/eod Weeks 1-14: .5mg Arimidex EOD Weeks 11-14: Proviron 50mg/ED Winstrol...
I’m starting 500 test-e for 10 weeks. I’ve been on antibiotics for lymes for 5 days. I know this isn’t a legit cycle and pretty boring but wanted to put it out there in case anyone ever has same problem. Seems Unlikely, considering this seems out of ordinary to me, but I’m planning to use test...
I will start the log here and keep it updated. Main goal of the cycle is to lose fat and weight while maintaining strength and possibly gaining some lean mass. I've done this successfully on my last 2 cycles. My diet while on this was 20/4 IF and keto. I would work out fasted, eat keto...
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