Yeah bro, synthol is definiely not the proper course of action at this point and time. Nor, for you personally, do I think it ever should be.
Being straight with you, here's why:
1) You will grow enough to be where you want to be and be completely satsfied. Just keep at it.
2) You took 2nd your very first competition bro. That's really amazing. The guy next to you barely had you. Your next competition you will have improved in every way (get them quads up).
3) You will never step on an IFBB stage. You are too old.
4) Taking #3 in mind, using synthol is then for...what? Getting bigger? Okay, but if this isn't an opportunity to capitalize on muscle mass and make a living from it (being a pro or otherwise), I don't see nor understand the point of using it to have bigger arms considering that you are already very big, and will continue to get bigger.
5) Maybe it's time to up the doses, eh?