well, I'm not big andy, but I may be able to shed some light on the subject.
If it's estrogenic related... estrogen-type fat deposits tend to be stubborn in locations like lower back, lower abs, chest... to fight this you need to lower estrogen-hormones production or combat the estrogen fat deposits, to lower not any anti-e will do, for example nolvadex and clomid will just block some ER sites with their weak synthetic estrogens, while something like arimidex will prevent conversion of test->estradiol and other estrogen metabolites.. to combat estrogenic fat deposits you could apply something like yohimburn or take oral yohimbine..
if insulin related, you just may have trouble loosing fat, so what you may want to test is, how your body appears with less circulatory insulin.. by going on a lower carbohydrate diet, more specifically almost no sugar (as it's the worst for insulin spikes) for a while... see where that puts you.. good luck.