First I would like to thank God for giving me the strength to stick w/ my diet. I would like to thank my mom for giving birth to me so I could win the contest. I cant leave out tyson chicken company for providing the masses w/ bulk individual 4oz chicken breast. My wife for putting up w/ all my bullshit comments, such as, "this is bullshit, you put to much salt on this, I cant eat that"..... "Butter? you used f****** butter? I cant eat that"... "Your an ass for eating that cake in front of me".... "Son of a bitch, I know that you are not drinking my favorite type cold beer in front of me!!!"
I would also like to thank "the gladiator" for holding the contest and sharing dieting info along the way to help me achieve these results. I would like to thank Elite Fitness & Needto and Omega for providing me w/ a years membership and years worth or free supplements and constant workout ideas and training. I would like to thank "mac173" for making me feel sexy. I would like to thank the people who invented Anavar, Winny, & Sus250
If I left anyone out, or forgot to thank anyone I'm sorry.... God Bless you ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Gladiator!!!!!!
lol funny as fuck bro