I've read some info about "timed db presses" but I can't seem to find the thread that explained them.
Can I get some feedback on "how to"
I kinda remember reading, pick a semi-light db and doing as many as you can for 2 minutes???
Is this correct?
The way we do them there is no set number. We take 30's or 40's whatever we feel that day. Usually the day after bench. I will rep them contiually for 1 minute then on 2second minute i will do them every 5 seconds. If i go 3 minutes i go to every 10 seconds. I benched yesterday and did those this morning. I will do them after board day on thurs when i coem on friday before i squat.
Shit man i am sorry. I do them on the stability ball. But i have doen them on the bench as well. If you dont have a ball dont worry about it.
My bench was ...ok i guess. I feel a little pain under my arm wear the chest meets the delt. Its not bad but it in my mind. My bench was slow yesterday. Plus i use the brand new shirt i got in yesterday. It is too big. It would be perfect for alot of yall but i like my shit tight not loose. But the prototype has a much better groove then inzer's. I went up to 585lbs and it felt ok but i feel liek i didnt get the rebound i need. So it will go back tommorow and get fixed. But i am excited about the shirthough. I think its gonna work great.